
FAGOTTO Taskou Victoria Modal Music and Maqam
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Δωρεάν μεταφορικά από 69,00€
Key Features

This book presents a collection of 166 musical pieces from the Eastern Mediterranean modal tradition, compositions of both known and unknown authorship created between the 14th and 21st century. They are sourced mostly from the islands of the east Aegean, from Asia Minor, Thrace and Crete and the early rembetiko tradition, from Smyrna and Constantinople’s music schools as well as from Ottoman secular music, Sufi devotional songs (Ilahi and Nefes), even music being produced today. It's a repertoire already shared by artists exploring these historical musical heritages and contemporary composers working within them. Though intended primarily for oud, qanun, ney, violin, and Constantinople lyra and lute players, this book is a useful study, interpretation and teaching tool for all musicians. Music scores range in difficulty from beginner to advanced level. Contemporary pieces are presented with the permission of their composers, in original form or with modifications made by the author for this edition. Turkish musical scores of unknown origin are labelled meçhul as such
- Language: Greek
- Year published: 2024
- Pages: 264
- Dimensions: 21 x 29
- Συμπεθέρα / Πέρα στου χωριού τη βρύση / Ικαριώτικος
- Μαζωμένος
- Από ξένο τόπο
- Φωτιές
- Omrum bitirmis viranemiyem (Ilahi)
- Nice bir uyursun uyanmaz m?s?n? (Ilahi)
- Daglar ile (Ilahi)
- Buyrugun tut rahman?n (Ilahi)
- Zumre-i nacileriz (Nefes)
- Naz Bar?
- Hicaz Sirto (Sultan Abdulaziz Han)
- Hicaz Oyun Havas? (Sukru Tunar)
- Hicaz Saz Semaisi (Refik Talat Alpman)
- Hicaz Son Yuruk Semai (Mechul)
- Ταταυλιανός συρτός
- Αζιζιές συρτός
- Γεραγώτικος συρτός
- Χιτζάζ Μαντηλάτος
- Ολμάζ / Από τα γλυκά σου μάτια
- Έναν καιρό επήγαινα
- Βαρύς Ρεθεμνιώτικος / Δακρύζω με παράπονο
- Μάτια μου / Σαν πας στα ξένα
- Καλέ συ Παναγιά μου
- Τα ματάκια σου τα δυο / Ελενίτσα
- Αχ βρε θάλασσα κακούργα / Θάλασσα λυπήσου
- Προσφυγάκι / Δερβισάκι
- Αψιλίες
- Hicaz Havas? (Ευγένιος Βούλγαρης)
- Hicaz Maqsum (Ross Daly)
- Bu akl u fikr ile Mevla’m bulunmaz (Ilahi)
- Urum’da Acem’de as?k oldugum (Ilahi)
- Sana insan, zaman, kainat as?k (Ilahi)
- Haydar, haydar (Ilahi)
- Subhu ey gonul cekelum gulbank (Nefes)
- Ussak Saz Semaisi (Neyzen Salih Dede)
- Muhayyer Saz Semaisi (Tanburi Cemil Bey)
- Κέρνα μας
- Ντε βρε ντε
- Ανάθεμα τον αίτιο
- Μανώλαρος
- Έρι πάλι
- Τούτες οι μέρες
- Αμπελοκουτσούρα
- Κυρά μ΄ κι αρχοντοπούλα
- Όσο βαρούν τα σίδερα
- Απάνω στην τριανταφυλλιά
- Έρχομαι και συ κοιμάσαι / Λιβισιανή μου πέρδικα
- Σύρτε μάτια μ'
- Καρσιλαμάς Τιρκεντέ
- Σηλυβριανός καρσιλαμάς
- Τέσσερα μάτια δυο καρδιές
- Της τριανταφυλλιάς τα φύλλα
- To γεφύρι της Δράμας
- Θα σπάσω κούπες
- Ως και τα παραθύρια σου
- Ψαράδες / Σε καινούργια βάρκα μπήκα
- Μην ορκίζεσαι βρε ψεύτρα
- Αρμενίτσα
- Αχ, μελαχροινό
- Φόρα τα μαύρα, φόρα τα
- Η έμορφη Αττάλεια
- Πατρούνινο
- Ράικος
- Can-u dilde hane k?ld?n (Ilahi)
- Haktan inen serbeti (Ilahi)
- Severim ben seni candan iceri (Ilahi)
- Iptidadan yol sorarsan (Nefes)
- Uyur idik uyard?lar (Nefes)
- Huseyni Saz Semaisi (Αντώνης Κυριαζής)
- Huseyni Pesrev (Αντώνης Κυριαζής)
- Huseyni Saz Semaisi (Kemani Tatyos Efendi)
- Τα ξύλα
- Παλιός καρσιλαμάς Μυτιλήνης
- Πηγιανό / Αδραμυτιανό ζεϊμπέκικο
- Κιόρογλου
- Μοναχογιός ο Κωσταντής
- Δεν είν’ αυγή να σηκωθώ
- Σίνα μου
- Το παλιάμπελο
- Βάλε με στην αγκαλιά σου
- Huseyni Curcuna (Βικτωρία Τάσκου)
- Irmak (Yurdal Tokcan)
- Keesher Bar (Ara Dinkjian)
- Dil hanesi pur-nur olur (Ilahi)
- Mualla gavsi subhani (Ilahi)
- Ask?nla cak olsa bu ten (Ilahi)
- Cem olmus dervisleri (Ilahi)
- Derdim coktur (Nefes)
- Rast Nak?s Beste (Abdulkadir Meragi)
- Rast Pesrev, Murassa
- Rast Zeybek (Tanburi Cemil Bey)
- Rast Pesrev No 1
- Απτάλικο Ραστ
- Καναρίνι μου γλυκό
- Alemler nura gark oldu (Ilahi)
- Gaflet ile hakk’? buldum diyenler (Ilahi)
- Sordum sar? cicege (Ilahi)
- Ask olsun meydan gorene (Nefes)
- Segah Saz Semaisi (Nayi Osman Dede)
- Χίλια καλώς ορίσατε
- Μπαρμπούνι μου θαλασσινό
- Τσακιτζής
- Σαν εγύριζα απ’ την Πύλο
- Agla gozum agla (Ilahi)
- Gelin ey kardesler gelin (Ilahi)
- Ism-i Subhan virdin mi var / Otme Bulbul (Ilahi)
- Aynay? tuttum yuzume (Nefes)
- Guzel as?k (Nefes)
- Saba Oyun Havas? (Γιώργος Μπατζανός)
- Saba Saz Semaisi (Neyzen Aziz Dede)
- Εσύ κοιμάσαι στα σεντονάκια
- Κανελόριζα
- Σάλα σάλα
- Αμάν Ντόκτορ
Kurdi - Acem Kurdi
Muhayyer Kurdi
- Αλατσατιανέ μου αγέρα / Καληνυχτιά
- Kάηκε κι ένα σχολείο
- Μανάκι μου
- Μήλο μου και μανταρίνι
- Δώδεκα χρονών κορίτσι
- Σ' το 'πα και στο ξαναλέω
- Πονεμένη καρδιά / Σαν είχες άλλον στην καρδιά
- Acem Kurdi (Ross Daly)
- Seyhimin illeri (Ilahi)
- Guzel as?k cevrimizi cekemezsin demedim (Ilahi)
- Ben san?rd?m alem icre hic bana yer kalmad? (Ilahi)
- Hakd?r Allah’?m Muhammed mah?m (Ilahi)
- Kimseye etmem sikayet (Kemani Serkis Efendi)
- Nubar Nubar
- Dzage Bunch
- Longa Riad (Riad Sunbati)
- Nihavend Saz Semaisi (Mes’ud Cemil Bey)
- Nihavend Saz Semaisi (Omer Altug)
- Μαρς της νύφης
- Μενεξέδες και ζουμπούλια
- Nihavend Saz Semaisi (Ευγένιος Βούλγαρης)
- Nihavend Sirto (Ευγένιος Βούλγαρης)
- Σπουργίτης (4. Hane) (Χρήστος Μπάρμπας)
- Alem yuzune (Nefes)
- Nev-Eser Pesrev (Neyzen Yusuf Pasa)
- Ένα τρεχαντηράκι
- Γιατί να με γελάσεις
- Λύχνος (Κέλυ Θωμά)
- Hak bir gonul verdi bana (Ilahi)
- Nikriz Longa (Tanburi Cemil Bey)
- Nikriz Pesrev (Ali Ufki Bey-Bobowski)
- Απόψε στο δικό σου μαχαλά
- Tasd? rahmet deryas? (Ilahi)
- Hicazkar Sirto (Tanburi Kad? Fuat Efendi)
- Yagc?lar Zeybegi
- Hicazkar Saz Semaisi (Kemal Niyazi Seyhun)
- Hicazkar Saz Semaisi (Tanburi Cemil Bey)
- Μπαμ
- Μπουρνοβαλιός μανές / Και γιατί δε μας το λες
- Μ΄ έχεις μπερντεμένο
Διάφορα μακάμ
- Sultani Yegah Sirto (Refik Fersan)
- Sultani Yegah Saz Semaisi (Nedim Aga)
- Bayati Saz Semaisi (Ibrahim El Aryan)
- Ferahfeza Saz Semaisi (Serif Muhiddin Targan)
- Ελεύθερος συγκαθιστός
- Πέργαμος
- Σαν τα μάρμαρα της Πόλης
- Parfum de Gitane
- Olasonic (Γιώργος Παπαϊωάννου)
- Ο κουρσάρος (Περικλής Παπαπετρόπουλος)
- Ferahfeza Saz Semaisi (Βικτωρία Τάσκου)
- Kurdili Hicazkar Saz Semaisi (Βικτωρία Τάσκου)
- Αλφαβητικά
- Ανά μακάμ
Hello there! Interest-free installments and the best musical equipment go hand in hand. Who still thinks music is an expensive hobby? This myth was busted by my friends at Zaranikas Music Store with the most flexible payment system you've ever seen!
- 04 interest-free instalments for orders over € 49,99
- 08 interest-free instalments for orders over € 199,99
- 12 interest-free instalments for orders over € 499,99
- 18 interest-free instalments for orders over € 1999,99
- 03 interest-free instalments for orders over € 49,99 and under € 1000,00
Do you need more clarifications for the previous section?
- Prepaid and debit cards do not support the credit cards' interest-free installments plans.
- The issuance of receipts/invoices paid by credit card is necessarily done on the cardholder's details. Otherwise, the order cannot be completed / dispatched.
- Interest-free instalments do not apply to products on special offer.
- If the Klarna payment method is used for the first time, you will need to register for the service on the bank's website and confirm your identity by filling in all the necessary information that will be requested (attaching an identification document (e.g. ID card) in the form of a photo or a file.
- Shipping via the partner freight forwarder: Free of charge all over Greece
- Shipping via courier:
First 5kg* are free of charge
First 10kg* are free of charge for orders over 399,00€
First 15kg* are free of charge for orders over 699,00€ - Shipping via Box Now: Free of charge all over Greece (maximum actual weight 20kg & maximum value per product 400,00€)
- Shipping via Zaranikas: Free of charge for orders over 89,00€ all over Attica's basin (outskirts are excluded)
- Shipping via Greek Post Office:
First 10kg* are free of charge
Free shipping for orders over 499.00€ - Shipping via courier:
First 5kg* are free of charge
First 10kg* are free of charge for orders over 399,00€
First 15kg* are free of charge for orders over 699,00€ - Shipping via Box Now: Free of charge all over Cyprus (maximum actual weight 7kg & maximum value per product 400,00€)
- Shipping via Greek Post Office:
Fixed cost at 25.00€ per order (50% discount on standard fee) for orders under 599.00€ regardless of their actual or volumetric weight
Free shipping for orders over 599.00€ regardless of their actual or volumetric weight
Do you need further clarification on the previous section?
- * Kgs regard actual or volumetric weight. Each parcel is weighed according to the prevailing weight type.
- Free shipping does not include assembly or set-up (where required) of the products.
- Zaranikas Music Store reserves the right to choose the shipping method of orders, which are eligible for free shipping.
- Acoustic pianos are not eligible for free shipping.
What about remote/ difficult to reach areas?
For example, if you choose Courier delivery and your delivery area is Amorgos, which is characterized as inaccessible by its catalogue, then the parcel will be sent to its nearest branch, located in Naxos. Delivery to Amorgos will be possible, but will incur an additional charge.
What applies to the transportation of acoustic pianos?
Acoustic pianos are not eligible for free shipping. For customers within the Attica basin, the transportation of classical pianos is priced according to the floor as indicated below.
Cost of transport of classical pianos within the Attica basin (incl. VAT 24%):
- Groundfloor & 1st floor: 115,00€
- 2nd floor: 135,00€
- 3rd floor: 148,00€
- 4th floor: 158,00€
- 5th & 6th floor: 170,00€
Cost of using a crane: 170,00€ (used if deemed necessary by the partner piano transport company)
The shipping charge covers the transport, the lifting of the piano to the floor and the final placement of the piano in the exact spot you will indicate to us. For customers outside Attica the way and cost of transport is determined upon request.
Is the assembly cost included in the shipment charges?
- Digital pianos: 35,00€
- Drums: 35,00 €
- Rest: 25,00 €
