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VS Audio BlackBird Deluxe Preamp & Bias Tremolo Pedal

SKU : M11V13
GTIN (EAN,ISBN): BlackBird Deluxe
Retail: € 229,00
€ 215,00
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Key Features


The BlackBird Deluxe picks up where the BlackBird left off. It has the same medium gain with natural compression and dynamic touch sensitive character but with more features. An added Channel switch to choose between Normal and Bright channel like the original ’61 Deluxe amp. Plus a true bias tremolo, using MOSFET and JFET technology that modulates the bias voltage of the output stage of the pedal, the same way that the famous power tube bias tremolo circuit behaves. Bias tremolo is considered by many to be the most liquid and watery of all the tremolo types due to its natural, pulsating character. Its touch-sensitive dynamic response allows to control the tremolo effect with your picking dynamics or your guitar’s volume knob with overdriven sounds, capturing the exact tone and behavior that makes the Brown Deluxe great. BlackBird Deluxe flexibility doesn’t end here. A dual mode Bypass switch selects between the Low Gain mode that delivers softer edge of breakup response while the High Gain adds more edge and higher output. Placing the BlackBird Deluxe further down your effects chain reveals its ability to function like a true preamp, an additional passive effects loop also grants versatile rig-integration options and lets users employ each side independently in a pedalboard friendly size format.

VS Audio BlackBird Deluxe preamp & tremolo guitar/ bass effect

  • Volume, Drive, Tone knobs to control Preamp/OD
  • Intensity, Speed knobs to control Vibrato stage
  • Channel (CH) switch to choose between Normal and Bright channel similar to Brown Deluxe amps
  • Era toggle switch to choose between Brown or Black Panel style sounds
  • Dual Gain mode Bypass switch to select amount of Gain (Dual color LED White/Red)
  • Fully analog
  • Compact Dual Design
  • Connections: INPUT Jack 1/4", OUTPUT Jack 1/4", SEND Jack 1/4", RETURN Jack 1/4"
  • Input impedance: >1M
  • Output impedance: < 10 kΩ
  • Current draw: 100 mA
  • True bypass
  • Silent switching
  • Power supply: 9-18V DC (-) (only with power adapter)
  • Dimensions: 120 × 95 × 35 mm
  • Weight: 0,6 kg
  • Handwired in Greece
  • Release date: 23/06/2022

Power adapter is not included

Manual for VS AUDIO BlackBird Deluxe Preamp and Bias Tremolo Pedal at


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Hello there! Interest-free installments and the best musical equipment go hand in hand. Who still thinks music is an expensive hobby? This myth was busted by my friends at Zaranikas Music Store with the most flexible payment system you've ever seen!
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COMING SOON Do you own a debit card? Then it is the right time to get to know Klarna's flexibility:
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For shipments in Greece? If the value of the order is over 69,00€:
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  1. * Kgs regard actual or volumetric weight. Each parcel is weighed according to the prevailing weight type.
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